Sunday, April 10, 2011

My first blog

Today i decided to make a blog-i have a had a few attempts at blogging but they have for the most part failed. I am going to try hard to make the most out of this blog.

To start this off i would like to say i have made a blog to express my feelings and advice about not only my daily life but about my struggle with depression, eating disorders, and a little bit of addiction. I realize i am only 16, but i think many girls would love to hear advice or have a support system from girls or boys about the same age. These are the years were most girls struggle a lot with depression and suicide thoughts. My plan is to create a site where girls can email, call, or comment about problems or things they struggle at home or school with. Not only will i give advice but others who view my blog can also help out. I have realized that talking with others that have similar problems as me has really helped to lift me up and made me realize i'm really not alone.

If you are interested in a little bit about the depression i currently face, i have a video on youtube i will link below.

Please tell friends you think might be depressed or that have addiction problems or that simply have normal problems at high school- about this blog or my youtube video. I just want to help.

The #1 cause of death for teenagers is suicide

My goal is to change that and create a support system for teens to build self esteem and just to Live Your Life Forever!


  1. This is so awesome. This is exactly what has been needed. Thank you for what you're doing!

  2. You are a brave and courageous young lady with BIG ideas!!!! Love it!

  3. I definitely commend you for doing what you're doing. My fiance currently suffers from depression and has gone through many of the feelings you expressed in your youtube video. Keep doing what you are doing and stay strong! (:

  4. i went through depression in my teens too.i don't blame my parents or friends,i love them,but they never did pay heed to my extreme mood swings-they just thought i was "being a teen".i never did get that help i needed.i got through it somehow-myself&i'm proud. :)
    some days when things are bad-i lapse back into it for months.but i fight through it somehow.
    stay strong ♥ :)
    you will fight & overcome it too someday.

  5. i went into depression again in 2010 first six months-my dog died&that set me off.2005 was when i last felt it's quite a lot of improvement i guess. :P
    it's unfair to say i fight through it myself this time.the love of my life helped me through it now&made it tolerable.i've never felt depressed after i've met him{except in 2010}.i'm happy now.i'm through it. :)
